SleepTight Mouthpiece - Try it risk-free for 30 days!

SleepTight Rx Mouthpiece

The SleepTight Rx Mouthpiece was developed by US dentist Dr. Mike Williams, member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, and a UK mouthguard research and developer.

Dr. Williams personally suffered from a snoring problem and endured multiple surgeries to improve his snoring, all to no avail. He began looking for snoring surgery alternatives over 10 years ago.

For several years the two collaborated frequently on snoring and OSA solutions. They decided to design and develop a mouthpiece which could help people around the globe with breathing at night. After evaluating feedback from thousands of customers from around the world, SleepTight Rx Mouthpiece was born.

How it works

SleepTight Rx Mouthpiece is Revolutionary

  • Easy to fit (5 minutes) and simple to use
  • Helps treat snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea
  • Over 90% of our customers would recommend to a friend who snored
  • Cleared for effectiveness and safety
  • Designed by a dentist and professional researcher
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Compare SleepTight

Table header 0SleepTightSnoreRxZQuietZyppahVitalSleepZenGuardGMSS
Has large airway opening (6mm or more)?YesNoNoNoYesNoNo
Durable double laminate construction?YesNoNoNoNoNoNo
Can be used with nasal obstruction?YesYesYesYesYesNoNo
Easy to swallow normally while wearing?YesYesYesNoYesNoNo
Custom boil and bite fitting with deep impressions?YesYesNoYesNoNoNo
Designed by a dentist?YesNoNoYesNoNoNo
Can be re-fit or adjusted?YesYesNoYesYesNoNo

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  • Affordable
  • FSA & HSA Eligible
  • Easy to use
  • No latex or BPA
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*After your trial, just pay a one-time fee of $69.95